Crosslisting isn't Enough!

Simplify online selling across multiple platforms with our Automation, AI & Crosslisting Tools. No subscriptions—pay only when your crosslisted items sell. Works 24/7.

to popular
E-commerce platforms.

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Crosslist on eBay, Mercari and Poshmark - ensures listings and quantities are in sync across on all your stores 24/7 - even while you sleep.

Delist / Relist

Set-and-forget the delisting and relisting of your inventory at whatever frequency you wish and keep your listings fresh.

Sales detection and delisting

Treecat monitors all your stores 24/7 to detect new sales and delists across all stores when sales occur, even while you sleep.

Poshmark sharing

Schedule set-and-forget Poshmark closet sharing.

Guest accounts

Add an unlimited number of guests to manage your listings in Treecat without having to share your credentials or financials.

Fast match

Automatically match listings on Treecat that you’ve previously crosslisted on different platforms.

Inventory sync

Automatic import of new listings from all your stores, every day.

Manifests / Packing Slips

Generate a packing slip for every sale regardless of the store it sells on.

Quantity handling

Treecat automatically confirms listings are accurate across all stores when quantities sell or change. It even relists on Mercari if there is still inventory available for the item.

Inventory management

A single view of your complete inventory across all stores with powerful filters to view by label, status, platform, list date and more.

Sales analytics

Sales data and history get imported to create a complete, single view of sales across all stores. Powerful filtering lets you view sales of individual stores, ship status, date, and much more.

CSV exports

Export your inventory or sales into .CSV files for use in spreadsheets.


We only get paid when you get paid, no limits, no subscriptions. Only pay when items sell which were crosslisted, delisted/relisted, or shared on Poshmark. Only a penny per sale for anything more than 140 sales in a month.

Our Pricing

Pay As You SellSM


*Promotion code required to get 20% off

**A fee is charged for the sale of any item for which a billable event occurred. There are three actions that are considered billable events: crosslisting, auto delisting / relisting, and Poshmark closet sharing.

Volume pricing tiersPrice per cross-listed sale (Without Promo Code)Price per cross-listed sale (With Promo Code)
1-30 sales0.60     0.50   
31-100 sales0.42     0.35   
101-140 sales0.30     0.25   
more than 140 sales0.012   0.01   
*Promotion code required to get 20% off

**A fee is charged for the sale of any item for which a billable event occurred. There are three actions that are considered billable events: crosslisting, auto delisting / relisting, and Poshmark closet sharing.

Sale volume examplesEstimated price (Without Promo Code)Estimated price (With Promo Code)
billings for 30 sales18.0015.00
billings for 100 sales46.9839.15
billings for 140 sales61.6851.40
billings for 1000 sales71.9959.99
billings for 2000 sales83.9869.98
Crosslist &
  • Free unlimited crosslisting
  • Unlimited auto-delisting
  • Only pay when crosslisted items sell
  • Free unlimited inventory
  • Free unlimited photos
  • Free unlimited guest accounts
  • Use all supported e-commerce platforms
Tiered pricing starting at $0.50 per sale of each crosslisted item that had a billable event (i.e. it was crosslisted, auto delisted / relisted, or shared on a Poshmark closet).
Sign up

Questions & Answers

We are successful at delisting crosslisted items from all platforms within thirty minutes of a sale. Often, the delisting is even faster. We constantly monitor for sales of crosslisted items across all supported platforms 24 hours a day, even while you sleep. If there is ever a rare occasion that we are unable to delist an item within 30 minutes you will get an email notification saying that we were unable to delist the item. A link to the item on the platform we were unable to delist will be provided in the email so you can easily delist it yourself.

Yes, but only if the items have had the Poshmark sharing or delist / relist actions performed. If an items sells that is not crosslisted and has never been delisted / relisted or shared on Poshmark then there will be no charge.

Yes. Treecat constantly monitors the listings on all of your e-commerce stores and will surface any new items that weren't previously imported. You can easily view all newly detected items that aren’t crosslisted and choose to crosslist them if you wish.

No. There is no free trial. However, you will only be charged when sales are detected for items you have used Treecat to crosslist, delist / relist or share on Poshmark. You can load all your inventory and even make new listings for free. You will only be charged when something sells that you have crosslisted, delisted / relisted or shared on Poshmark.

All billing information is handled by our top rated payment provider, and Treecat has no access to your payment information (accounts, addresses, credit card info, etc). Treecat also doesn’t store any of the credentials you use for accessing your e-commerce platforms. The only information Treecat keeps is the listing information, which is publicly available on your e-commerce stores (except if it is in draft mode and hasn’t yet been published). As such, none of your sensitive data is even stored, or kept, by Treecat. Even so, Treecat follows industry best practises to implement effective security procedures to keep the information we do store safe.

You can assign as many guest accounts to your Treecat store as you like by adding the Google ID of the user you would like to grant access. Guest accounts can carry out all normal store management functions such as listing and de-listing. For example, a guest user can list a new item on all the e-commerce platforms you have registered with Treecat. The only limits for guest accounts are access to billing or e-commerce platform registration. Guest accounts will not be able to view billing history or configure payment methods for your Treecat store. Guest accounts are also not able to add a new e-commerce platform to your Treecat store or view or modify the credentials for previously registered e-commerce platforms. Treecat recommends you be careful in deciding to grant guest account access only to people you are certain you can trust since guest accounts have very few limitations in managing your store.

There is no extra charge for any volume of listing inventory or crosslisted items, across as many of the e-commerce platforms as you wish to list on for any of our pricing plans. Treecat has a tiered pricing plan that charges lower fees based on the volume of sales that are billable events (i.e. something sold that was crosslisted, shared on Poshmark or delisted / relisted). The fee is the same whether you have five or 100,000 items in your inventory. You never pay any extra for either the number of e-commerce platforms you crosslist on or the volume of your inventory.

A local agent must be installed on your Windows or Mac computer to act as a proxy, ensuring that all communication between Treecat and the ecommerce stores you use is over an IP connection approved by those stores. Treecat only uses the local agent for communications with your personal stores. The computer where you install the local agent must be on the same network you use for accessing your stores. You can still access Treecat from any web browser on any network. All communication with your stores will be routed through the local agent regardless of which computer or network you use for accessing Treecat.

Treecat will only work with US based stores at this time.

A billable event is when a Treecat action is performed on an inventory item that will result in a Treecat fee if it sells. There are currently three possible billable events: crosslisting, auto delist / relist, and Poshmark closet sharing. If an item sells for which any of these three actions were true then Treecat will charge a fee for that sale. If none of these actions had occurred for that item then no fee will be charged when Treecat detects that it had sold. Treecat will not double-charge if more than one of these billable events has occurred on a sold item. For example, a fee will be charged if the item was crosslisted and then sold. A fee will be charged if an item sells that had previously had the automatic delist / relist action performed. A fee will be charged if an item sells that had been previously shared on a Poshmark closet. If an item sells that had been crosslisted AND had been auto delisted / relisted a fee will be charged, but only one fee. Another way to think of this is to consider that auto delist / relist and Poshmark closet sharing are free if an item is crosslisted.

Yes. You will need to install the Treecat Authenticator browser extension so you can do a one-time login to your stores from Treecat. However, once you have logged into your stores from Treecat you no longer need the Treecat Authenticator and can work with the Treecat service from any web browser without installing the extension. You will need the Treecat Authenticator again if the credentials for your store change and you need to re-login. Also, the security key that is generated when you login to your store, which Treecat uses to access your store, expires every two or three months and will require you login again from Treecat to generate a new key. You will need to have the Treecat Authenticator installed on the browser you use to login to your store every time you need to renew the security key. Treecat will send you an email notification when you need to login to your store again. The Treecat Agent is separate and must be installed on one computer that is kept running 24 hours a day, to allow Treecat to continually monitor your stores for sales and perform delisting actions. The Treecat Agent does not need to be installed on the same computer you use to access the Treecat user interface.

You can schedule a frequency for automatically delisting and relisting inventory items on any of your stores. This removes the item from your store and relists it with a completely new ID. You can schedule delist / relist for a single item, a group of items, or your entire inventory. There can be different frequencies on the same item for each store. For example, you could have an item automatically delisted and relisted on eBay every 27 days and every 60 days on Poshmark. The automatic delist / relist action is a billable event that will result in a Treecat fee when that item sells. For example, if an item sells that you had previously performed the auto delist / relist action on then Treecat will charge it’s normal fee. There is no extra charge if another billable action had also occurred. For example if an item sells that was crosslisted there is no extra charge if that same item also had the auto delist / relist action performed.

(feature coming soon) scheduled Poshmark closet sharing allows you to schedule times to automatically share specified categories and brands of your Poshmark closet listings within Poshmark. The scheduled Poshmark closet sharing action is a billable event that will result in a Treecat fee when that item sells. For example, if an item sells that you had previously shared on Poshmark using Treecat then Treecat will charge it’s normal fee. There is no extra charge if another billable action had also occurred. For example if an item sells that was crosslisted there is no extra charge if that same item had also been shared on Poshmark.